Mel Brimfield - artist talk and performance

The Breakfast Sculpture
18 June 2011, 7pm

A specially commissioned, one-off performance conceived and produced by Mel Brimfield to coincide with her Bothy Gallery exhibition. In collaboration with Dinnington Brass Band, stars of BBC2’s A Band for Britain, the award-winning company New Art Club (Tom Roden and Pete Shenton) will present new work based on Morecambe and Wise’s infamous breakfast-making sketch, to the theme of The Stripper newly arranged by Paul Higgs. The performance takes place in the YSP gym, which guests will find by following live brass band music in the landscape. The Breakfast Sculpture is a perfect combination of art and popular culture, imagination and humour, and adds a further dimension to Brimfield’s exhibition This is Performance Art: Part One Performed Sculpture and Dance, at YSP until 3 July.

Introduced by Clare Lilley, YSP's Director of Programme.
YSP, Thursday 12 May at 7pm

Mel Brimfield will be in conversation with Jon Wood, Research Coordinator at The Henry Moore Institute, discussing her work and YSP's project. Free, please book online. 

Mel Brimfield creates playful alternative histories of Performance Art inspired by real artists, artworks and pop culture. In this exhibition she reimagines the Bothy Gallery as ‘Room 27’ of a major museum survey, merging fact and fiction with joyful subversion. Available to tour, please contact [email protected]

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